Your financial story does not need to be your parent's story.
The archaic system of giving up money today, taking on risk and hoping to retire is B.S.
From Mary Jo…
It was never my intent to teach the world about the Infinite Banking Concept, much less write two books. However, sometimes in life, things find you, and in 2008, the stock market crash led me to the Infinite Banking Concept. Even before 2008, I was never happy with investing and giving up access to my money, let alone the risk.
When I stumbled across this, I was pretty sure it was illegal and that everyone involved was going to jail. However, it intrigued me enough to read six books in five weeks on the subject. I was amazed at what I found. How could this be legal? Even the state insurance website said it was legal to borrow from a life insurance policy.
That was all I needed. FiscalBridge, LLC was born then and there. I quickly found that people were not comfortable handling their own finances because the industry leads us to believe we are not smart enough. Society does not teach us to be wealthy; it teaches us to hand over money to those who are supposedly smarter than us. Because I did not come from the financial world, I was able to explain this in a simple manner that people could understand – meeting them where they are in their financial journey. This quickly led to the writing of two books, one for farmers and one for non-farmers.
“You are taught to understand what I teach so you ARE successful.”
In this process of helping you with your financial journey, you will not see me throwing around big terms to make myself look smart. Instead, you are taught to understand what I teach so you ARE successful. There are no “what if the market crashes” scenarios. Instead, it’s about you—what you want to do with your money, your dreams and aspirations, and how we are going to get there.
The final result is to make you responsible for your money and your future. You are the one who cares more about it than anyone else. I am here to help you and provide the honesty you need. No sugar coating, no false claims. Just straight-up truth.
This was a truth no one told me about, and it is my mission to share it with all and make sure it’s done in a way you understand and succeed.

Mary Jo Irmen
Author | Speaker | Farm & Wealth Strategist