
Changing Financial stories and providing hope



My mission is to make finance easy for everyone, it shouldn’t be hard.

Craftsman in the carpentry workshop

People are tired of hearing the same financial story they have heard for decades. The story of getting by with nothing today just to have your money tied up and at risk for the future. You don’t want to sacrafice today for the unknowns of tomorrow. 

Today, you the client, wants liquid money to build a business, invest in real estate, take the family vacation or donate to your favorite charity. You want guarantees to retire without having to hold the risk of another stock market fall. 

Finally, you’ll get what you want. Liquidity, control, and guarantees with results and stratagies for success. I deliver facts without some B.S. hype about rates of return. 

Choose your session…


It’s so important to understand how our financial story started, who’s story we are living and how to make it our story. So many of us are living a financial story we feel stuck in and not sure how to get out.

I will share with your attendees hope around how they can change their story. They will laugh, possibly cry, and most important, leave feeling as if they have options. There is light at the end of the tunnel and they are not alone in their journey to success.

Keynote Time

A keynote can be anywhere from 40 minutes to one hour. Less if need be.


Breaking Down the Book

This breakout will allow me time to share the book. We will go over:

  • Financial History
  • Infinite Banking Concept
  • Basics of Life Insurance
  • Numbers Presented in the Book
  • Strategies for Financing the Purchases of Homes, Kids College, Real Estate Investments, How to Start a Business, Retire Tax-Free, and Estate Planning.

Breakout Time

There is a lot covered in the breakouts. A typical group will have a lot of questions on various subjects covered so it is nice if I can have the minimum of an hour to cover the ground. I really like to make this time interactive so attendees get the most out of it. The goal is to have them walk away with the solutions and options they came looking for.

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Mary Jo

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What people are saying…

“Mary Jo brings value to farmers throughout North America with her message. She is real & gives honest feedback & education to those that ask. Thanks for what you are doing for the farming community Mary Jo.”

Dan Allen

“Savvy plan for farmers but can work for any business owner. The answer is YES!”

Steve Hillyer

About working with Mary Jo: “But again – thank you for all you do for us and all your patience and kindness in dealing with us (me) ? we couldn’t do it without you!”


“Another good book for those interested in the Infinite Banking Concept.”

Chris Judd

“Mary Jo is great to work with. She provides a lot of value & insight. Solid information.”

Levi Zook